To make real, long-lasting change to the government’s approach to mental health, we cannot do it alone. Rethink Mental Illness is a part of several crucial policy groups fighting together to improve the country’s mental health system.

The Mental Health Policy Group 

Rethink Mental is one of six national organisations making up the Mental Health Policy Group.

Together we regularly meet with ministers, the Department of Health, and NHS bodies to affect mental health policy making that impact people’s lives.

We advocate for cross-government approaches to improve services and support early intervention and prevention of mental health problems.

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Mental Health 

The All Party Parliamentary Group is a collection of MPs and Lords from all political parties with an interest in mental health. Their mission is to analyse the government’s approach to mental health and policy developments that will affect people living with mental illness.  

Rethink Mental Illness works with the Royal College of Psychiatrists to help organise and shape help to shape the group’s agenda and organise vital debates events ministers, NHS organisations, health professionals, research bodies and people with experience of mental illness.  

The Richmond Group 

The Richmond Group is a coalition of 12 charities including Rethink Mental Illness, working together to influence health and care policy. It has a wider focus than the Mental Health Policy Group, covering social care, cancer, and long-term health conditions.  

The group promotes prevention to be at the heart of the health service and at the centre of all its policy-making.